My beautiful little sister, Kate, is the ultimate Northern California girl. She has a super green thumb, loves crystals and pretty rocks, has a big heart, a calm spirit, and is wise beyond her years. I had a fantastic time at her wedding last weekend.
Kate |
images lft to rt, top to bottom: the wedding was at Chico Canyon Retreat, right next to a mountain stream; picture of my mom & Uncle Scott; biscuits and gravy for the 9am wedding; cake decorated with simple flowers--perfect for the setting |
Everything was so relaxed and casual. My older sister and I spent the rest of the weekend tooling around Nocal. We sipped lattes in Sonoma and mineral waters in Calistoga. Road bikes through the vineyards in the rain. Climbed rocks to sit beside the crashing Pacific Ocean waves, and ate famous cheeseburgers and fries at In-and-Out.
I love my Hunter boots--perfect for hail in Calistoga; the rainy beach at Bodega Bay and even Chico Canyon Retreat! |