Thursday, February 10, 2011

Grandma's Upholstery Tools

As you know, we got together with my mom a few weeks ago for a basic sewing class.  I knew that she had dug up my Grandma's old upholstery tools the last time she was with my Grandfather, but I had no clue what a delight it would be to take a peek at them all!  My mom presented me with this fabulous little vintage suitcase that my Grandma must have kept all of her things in over the years. 
We were all surprised to see her tools inside as she had so many familiar pieces, and it seems that she really knew what she was doing!
All I can say is that I am glad that we invested in the pneumatic staple gun rather than the manual one that Grandma used to use.  Those take a ton of elbow grease to get them going!